Why are you doing this?
It costs a huge amount of time and money to run the Assembly Room studios and the costs are no longer sustainable and are inhibiting the work we can and want to do. The vast majority of our work and programmes take place outside of the building and we want to make this happen more, spending more of the money we raise on the programmes needed.
Are you closing down?
No. We are securing Ludus Dance for its future. By being more adaptable and flexible we can respond to need and create programmes in the heart of communities, health and wellbeing settings, schools, libraries and more.
Why don’t you need the building anymore?
We love the building, it has history and presence but it doesn’t offer us the accessibility to include everyone and costs a huge amount of money to maintain and run. By moving out of the building we can invest more in our programmes and work with and for children and young people.
What will happen to the building?
The building is owned by Lancashire County Council. When we have moved out we will hand the building back to them.
Where can my children dance?
For the Autumn and Winter of 2020 our Studio Programme will run from Ryelands Primary and Nursery School and other public spaces. We will be running LYDC Juniors on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday morning classes will begin in a new age flow format. Inclusion in Motion will continue on Wednesdays, online. You can find more details on the Classes section of our website. Sadly we can’t accommodate everything to start with and Mini Movers and Space Babies will stay on hold for now, whilst we develop our plans to adhere to social distancing guidelines and keep everyone safe.
Where can my children dance in the Winter – I don’t want to be out in the rain, wind, snow?
For the Autumn and Winter of 2020 our Studio Programme will run from Ryelands Primary and Nursery School and other public spaces. If the weather is fine we will run the sessions outdoors but as the weather deteriorates (we know it’s Lancaster!) we will be using the school hall with social distancing measures and guidelines for participation. You can find out more about this in the Classes section of our website.
What about space hire?
As we move out of the building, we will no longer be able to offer Space Hire. We are working with all our pre-booked groups and artists to advise them of the changes and suggest other locations where possible. If you are looking for space to hire and would like suggestions, please get in touch by phone on 01524 35936, via email at info@ludusdance.org or DM us through social media.
What about studio space?
As we move out of the building, we will no longer be able to offer studio space. If you are looking for studio space and would like suggestions, please get in touch by phone on 01524 35936, via email at info@ludusdance.org or DM us through social media and we’ll be happy to try and help.
How will you continue to support artists?
We are working on new programmes to help artists and support career development with work, commissions, internships and placements. As soon as we have plans in place we will spread the word, so please keep following, liking and listening.
How did you make this decision?
As an arts organisation funded, in part by the Arts Council we are always evaluating and reviewing our work and programmes. We have struggled with the financial and management aspects of the building and the impact of the Coronavirus has given us the opportunity to reassess our work and accept the changes we need to make. We are securing Ludus Dance for its future. By being more adaptable and flexible we can respond to need and create programmes in the heart of communities, health and wellbeing settings, schools, libraries and more.
When will you move out?
We have already begun the process of moving which will continue over the next couple of months, leaving the building by November. Our Studio Programme will recommence at Ryelands Primary and Nursery School from 14th September and all staff will continue to work remotely (when not packing). Our contact details are all the same so please stay in touch Tel: 01524 35936 and Email: info@ludusdance.org. You can sign up for our Newsletter HERE.
When will dance classes start again?
Our Studio Programme will start on 14th September from Ryelands Primary and Nursery School on Wednesdays and Saturdays. You can visit the Classes section of our website for all the details.
How do I stay in touch with you?
Our contacts details are all the same, so please stay in touch Tel: 01524 35936 and Email: info@ludusdance.org. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @ludusdance. You can sign up for our Newsletter HERE.