LYDC rehearsals will begin for 2021/22 next week – together in a real, actual space! More to come on that but for now we want to shout out Celia, whose time in LYDC has come to an end. We asked Celia to reflect on her time in LYDC.
What was your highlight?
Our filming weekend for ‘Rolling with the Punches’. The outdoor locations, the atmosphere, the people, it was all amazing. And, being part of creating this dance film has taught me so much, from the rehearsal process and organisation, to working as a team, to collaborating with a filmmaker.
How was your time affected by the pandemic?
Having this opportunity during tier restrictions in England was very valuable to me… We managed to be creative and make work together, even with all the rules and social distancing in place.
What skills have you developed from being a company member?
I got the opportunity to teach a few tasks within our company classes, which was a great experience for me to give teaching a go outside of university and gain some extra experience.
What advice would you give to future company members?
Embrace the training and the opportunities LYDC have to offer, as Ludus truly is a supportive community and your time with them will definitely be a step towards being a more professional dancer.
It’s not ‘goodbye’, it’s ‘see you later’ as Celia is working towards her Gold Arts Award with us and volunteering to support our programme and activities in the Summer.