The Call
Ludus Dance are seeking artistic proposals from North West based artists/ makers identifying as; Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME) and/ or People of Colour (POC), that respond to a clear need for greater diverse representation within our cultural spaces and programmes.
With support from Ludus Dance through ‘The Forge’, the successful applicant/ collective will receive a budget of up to 5k, dedicated support from the Artistic Director, time and space to test ideas/ challenge notions and links to the creative sector, enabling growth and partnership development.
Purposefully left wide open, the artistic response could take many forms, e.g. R&D development of a live show for public spaces, schools or community venues, a piece of action research exploring a pertinent key question, or a short term residential at Ludus Dance, drawing together collaborators from different fields to create a participatory programme enabling new diverse artists to emerge.
Ludus Dance are excited to hear from emerging and established makers that have something unique to bring to the table, and can challenge the organisation’s perspectives on diverse practices.
Key project outcomes for the selected artist/ collective:
- Establish and maintain tangible connections with other BAME and/ or POC artists, participants and partners with similar ambitions
- Explore socially relevant work that can speak on behalf of those that do not currently have the loudest voices within the most culturally deprived areas
- Take artistic risks to further dance/ dance theatre and its associated art forms
- Present findings and/or performance concepts at the end of the project via a day of creative/ artistic dialogue with interested parties
This is an opportunity to test and pilot something with a view to it being worked up into a larger idea for a suitable funder in the latter half of 2019.
Next steps
Proposal submission deadline will be 12pm Friday 18th January 2019. A selection panel will convene the w/c 21st January to make decisions, with all applicants being informed by the end of that week.
We will accept proposals in a number of forms; written, dictated, filmed, however please keep everything to approx. 2 pages of A4 or 2.5 minutes’ audio/ film.
What we want to see in your proposal;
- A detailed description of your idea and brief timeline of activity
- List of collaborators and/ or partners
- Response to how your idea will meet the stated outcomes
- Indicative budget for how you will spend the 5k
Ideally all project work will be wrapped up by the end of March 2019, however in some instances, proposed dates can shift into the next financial year, on the understanding that a short interim report be provided (written or verbal) before 31st March 2019.
Please send all proposals to anthony.briggs@ludusdance.org